1. Search for the image
Docker 공식 사이트
You can search for Docker Hub image on Docker Desktop.
To search for the image used in this walkthrough
1. Open Docker Desktop and select the search
2. Specify docker/welcome-to-docker in the search.
Docker 애플리케이션
You can search images by selecting the bar at the top, or by using the Ctrl + K shortcut.
Search for welcome-to-docker to find the image used in this guide.
2. Run the image
Docker 공식 사이트
To run the docker/welcome-to-docker image:
1. After findinf the image using search, select Run
2. Expand the Optional settings.
3. Set Host Ports to 8090
4. Select Run.
Docker 애플리케이션
Select Run. When the Optional settings appear, specify the Host port number 8090 and then select Run. You can also select View on Hub to learn more about an image
3. Explore the container
Docker 공식 사이트
That's it! The container is ready to use. Go to the Containers tab in Docker Desktop to view the container.
Docker 애플리케이션
Go to the Containers tab in Docker Desktop to view the container.